Ashford Karate Club
St. Hilda’s Church Hall
Stanwell Road, Ashford, TW15 3QL
Stanwell Road, Ashford, TW15 3QL
Friday Evening 19:00 to 20:15
Burnham (Slough) Karate Club
Burnham Park Hall
Windsor Lane Burnham Berkshire SL1 7HR
Windsor Lane Burnham Berkshire SL1 7HR
Wednesday Evening 19:00 – 20:30
High Wycombe Karate Club
St Micheal’s Catholic School
Daws Hill Lane High Wycombe HP11 1PW
Saturday Morning 10:00 to 11:30
Maidenhead Karate Club
Altwood School
Altwood Road, Maidenhead. SL6 4PU
Tuesday Evening 19:00 to 20:00
Windsor Karate Club
Our Windsor club is currently closed while we find a new venue.
Upton House School
St. Leonard’s Road, Windsor. SL4 3DF
(Use the entrance off Beaumont Road)
Parking is at the front of the school off St. Leonard’s Road.
(Use the entrance off Beaumont Road)
Parking is at the front of the school off St. Leonard’s Road.
Thursday Evening 19:00 to 20:30
Woodley (Reading) Karate Club
Highwood Primary School
Fairwater Drive, Woodley, Reading. RG5 3JE
Monday and Friday Evenings
Beginners 18:00 – 19:00
All other grades 19:15 – 20:45