This is a mappress test.
Mae geri should be a tool tip.
Mae geri Chudan from Zenkutsu Dachi Front kick to the body from front stance
Mae geri Jodan from Zenkutsu Dachi Front kick to the head from front stance
Yoko Geri Keage Chudan from Kiba Dachi Side snap kick to the body from side stance
Yoko Geri Keage Jodan from Kiba Dachi Side snap kick to the head from side stance
Mae geri Chudan from Zenkutsu Dachi Front kick to the body from front stance
Mae geri Jodan from Zenkutsu Dachi Front kick to the head from front stance
Yoko Geri Keage Chudan from Kiba Dachi Side snap kick to the body from side stance
Yoko Geri Keage Jodan from Kiba Dachi Side snap kick to the head from side stance